Our Research
Seascape Ecology and Conservation
Seascape ecology is the application of landscape ecology to marine environments to understand causes and consequences of complex spatial patterns and ecological processes. This lens is particularly critical to consider in the fluid, dynamic and three-dimensional system of a highly connected ocean with interdependent human societies. We integrate and apply cross-disciplinary concepts and techniques to study land-sea connectivity to evaluate marine conservation strategies, inform biocultural restoration and support spatial management decisions.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
As landscape ecology has previously demonstrated, spatial composition and configuration influences biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. We are applying these concepts in the mapping of cultural value at sea, as well as the valuation of ecosystem goods and services to help in estimating blue carbon sequestration, prioritizing fisheries habitat and supporting blue urbanism in coastal cities.
Linking Geospatial Science to Ocean Governance Solutions
Increasingly, our research has been focused at the interface between ocean science and policy. We often work with a highly interdisciplinary team of lawyers, social scientists and practitioners where we link place-based scientific research findings to inform ocean governance. The application of geospatial data science, including machine learning, enables the identification of patterns influencing key ecosystem processes and helps us answer the “where” or place-based management questions in order to address complex socio-ecological challenges.