Ramesh Wilson
Hi, I’m Ramesh! I joined the University of Oxford in 2021, funded by the NERC Doctoral Training Partnership.
For my DPhil, I aim to disentangle the effects of multiple co-occurring stressors on intertidal communities. Using in situ passive warming plates at different proximities to sewage releases, alongside data from automated image analysis and remote sensing, I will investigate how temperature and nutrient pollution affect the community composition of intertidal species in the UK and globally. This project, titled HotMess, includes replicates across all 7 continents, and ensures a truly global study integrating several international collaborators. My experimental project will be accompanied by policy framework analyses of multiple stressors in marine environments, to develop new methods for sustained monitoring and management of multiple stressors in the intertidal zone.
Prior to starting my DPhil, I completed a BSc in Biology from Queen Mary, University of London. During my research project, I investigated the ecosystem services of global saline lakes. I used a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses to model the biotic and abiotic variables which principally govern the provision of different categories of ecosystem services. Ultimately, this study aimed to communicate the conservation necessity of saline lakes, of which are classically understudied in aquatic ecology.
In my free time, I enjoy singing in choirs and playing the violin. I’m also a keen science communicator, and enjoy speaking at events to encourage youth participation in conservation.
Selected publications
Orr, J., Macaulay, S., Mordente, A., Burgess, B., Albini, D., Hunn, J., Restrepo-Sulez, K., Wilson, R., Schechner, A., Robertson, A., Lee, B., Stuparyk, B., Singh, D., O’Loughlin, I., Piggott, J., Zhu, J., Dinh, K., Archer, L., Penk, M., Thi Thuy Vu, M., Juvigny-Khenafou, N., Zhang, P., Sanders, P., Schaefer, R., Vinebrooke, R., Hilt, S., Reed, T., & Jackson, M. (2024). Interactions among anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems: a systematic review of 2,396 multiple-stressor experiments. Ecology Letters, 27, e14463.
O’Sullivan, J.D., Terry, J.C.D., Wilson, R. and Rossberg, A.G. (2023). Community composition exceeds area as a predictor of long-term conservation value. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(1), p.e1010804. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010804.
Kapos, V., Vira, B., Harris, M., O’Leary, A. & Wilson, R. (2022). Chapter 4: Influence of REDD+ implementation on Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Well-being. Forests, Climate, Biodiversity and People: Assessing a Decade of REDD+. IUFRO World Series, Volume 40.
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