Exploring Advances in Seascape Ecology at the 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Dr Lisa Wedding and Dr Simon Pittman of the Oxford Seascape Ecology Lab are organising a Scientific Session for the upcoming Ocean Sciences Meeting, a “global leader” in ocean sciences conferences, that is now open for abstract submission.
By Rosalie Wright
The 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting will be hosting a diverse array of Scientific Sessions across varied themes, focusing on the overarching theme of “Come Together and Connect”. This global gathering will take place in Honolulu, Hawai’i, uniting participants online and in-person through social and scientific connections whilst exploring the future of the ocean sciences.
“Pilina means connection, relationship, and association and is an important value in Hawaiian culture that encourages inclusivity and collaborations to achieve results that cannot be accomplished with one person alone. The 2022 OSM focuses on the importance of strong pilina for the ocean science community. By coming together, we can forge a path toward a sustainable future.”
With an extensive programme featuring Innovative and Scientific sessions, plenary speakers, workshops and tutorials, OSM22 will cover topics from Ocean Modeling and Air-Sea Interactions to Education & Outreach and Marine Ecology & Biodiversity.
Oxford Seascape Ecology Lab PI Dr Lisa Wedding and Associate Researcher Dr Simon Pittman are organising a hybrid session within the theme of Marine Ecology & Biodiversity. Alongside collaborators from WHOI and Duke University, the ME18 session will explore “Advances in seascape ecology for understanding marine spatial patterning and complexity”.
“Over a half century has passed since MacArthur and Wilson’s seminal 1967 monograph on island biogeography. Since then, the field of spatial ecology applied to the marine environment has progressed to include greater understanding of habitat complexity, drivers of species distribution, and ecological connectivity.”
As technological advances in observational tools and modeling techniques continue to enhance our capacity to research marine ecosystems, such studies have been expanded by the application of theoretical landscape ecology principles to seascape research. The session will explore seascape ecology approaches, associated tools and technologies, and their potential for advancing marine systems research.
“This session will focus on highlighting theoretical advancements and innovative seascape ecology methods and analyses that allow for the examination of dynamic patterning in marine communities. Innovative approaches that incorporate data from genetics, remote sensing, satellite telemetry, and spatial models are encouraged.”
OSM22 is open for abstract submission until the 29th September. Find out more and submit your abstract now: https://www.aslo.org/osm2022/scientific-sessions/#
To find out more about seascape ecology, see our lab research themes: https://www.oxfordseascapeecologylab.com/research and read Dr Pittman’s paper here: https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13661